RS-5 Technical Information

  • The Electronic Components are contained in a high quality ABS approved enclosure, which can withstand very low temperatures as well as the very high temperatures in the engine compartment.
  • The Output Voltage on the anodes is stepped up to between 40 – 47 Volts DC, in comparison to the usual 12 Volts output from all other units on the market.
  • The unit has reverse polarity protection against incorrect connection to the battery.
  • A Metal Oxide Varistor is used to protect the unit from damage against lightening and transient spikes from the alternator and starter motor.
  • Components from companies such as Phillips and Hewlett Packard are used to ensure a quality product, hence we offer a limited 10 YEAR WARRANTY on the electronics.
  • The current drawn is between 10 – 35mA.


Technical Specifications


  • RustStop will not drain your battery or reduce its life span. In fact it acts as a dual-purpose medium by warning you by an indicate facility that your battery requires charging or replacement. The unit when operational draws less current than most alarm systems;
  • RustStop will compliment any anti-rusting method already carried out on the vehicle such as rubberising although it does entirely eliminate the necessity for this messy process.
  • RustStop is safe and will not cause electrical shocks if a person touches the vehicle.
  • RustStop is environmentally friendly.
  • Even when fitted incorrectly, RustStop could never accelerate rusting.